Annual Golf Tournament cancelled
Watch for the dates of the upcoming Golf Tournament this summer!
As of April 2019, a NY law requires all battery-operated smoke detectors sold in our state to be the sealed, NON-REMOVABLE 10-Year-battery-type of smoke alarm. We strongly encourage you to replace your old smoke detectors with these new, low-maintenance 10-year, sealed detectors. Since you won't have to remember to replace the battery each year, these new 10-year sealed alarms will likely save thousands of lives! Remember: you should have at least one smoke detector on every level of your home!
There is an annual BURN BAN (no open burning outdoors) in Sullivan County from March to May each year. Springtime often means the groundcover is dry, and it can easily catch fire quickly and burn out of control. The annual burn ban has decreased spring wildfires by nearly 43% since 2009! Thank you for helping to keep our community safe!
Statistics for 2020
Total calls thru February: 229
Statistics for 2019
Total calls for the year: 1368
Calls in Village: 692
Calls in Town: 653
Calls for mutual aid - other FDs: 23
Statistics for 2018
Total calls for the year: 1477
Calls in Village: 712
Calls in Town: 728
Calls for mutual aid - other FDs: 37
Statistics for 2017
Total calls for the year: 1181
Calls in Village: 632
Calls in Town: 626
Calls for mutual aid - other FDs: 23
The Monticello Fire Dept. is proud to announce its first annual "Leather Helmet" fundraising event! Some great prizes are offered and tickets are just $20 each, payable by Venmo or cash. If paying via Venmo use: venmo@mfd22 and include your name, phone, and email. All proceeds go to benefit the Monticello Fire Department and will help us protect our community. Please considering purchasing tickets for yourself – or as a gift for someone else! Drawing will be October 2, 2023. Questions? Email us. Thank you for supporting your fire department!
Watch for the dates of the upcoming Golf Tournament this summer!
We hold two Pancake or French Toast Breakfasts each year -- Please join us!
MFD/Auxiliary accepts new, unwrapped toys so needy kids will get a holiday gift.
Help first responders find your home at night if there's an emergency!!
As a local paramedic, I can attest to the pure professionalism that arrives every time a MFD member and apparatus arrives on a scene... Thank you for your professionalism!
Marc Strauss
Last night our carbon monoxide detector was beeping. We called 911 and within seconds a volunteer fireman in his personal car showed up along with a fire truck. Fortunately, the carbon monoxide detector was just defective and everything was okay, but we are so very impressed with how quickly and how many responded.
A.Dollard, Local Resident
I thank the Monticello Fire Dept for allowing the Sullivan County Fire Police Assn to host a 4-hr review class for Fire Police last night (the 21st). 80+ Fire Police Officers from all over NYS and a few from PA attended. We had a great time and Capt. Kinch was super. Thanks again.
D.Dittmer Sr.
Our Monticello Fire Department is awesome! Wayne, Mike, & Chris volunteered to save Christmas for Austin-Michael by retrieving his $150 drone from the top of a tree! It was no emergency of course, but their willingness to save the day meant a lot to us! Way to go guys!!! Merry Christmas, Happy Chanukah, and Happy New Year!
B. Komatz>, Local Resident